Aired November 10, 2020
Deteriorating ditches, diversion structures, and reservoirs mean that some ag water never reaches the crops it’s intended for—but Coloradans across the state are assessing the challenges and making costly ag infrastructure repairs with positive results.
Through this webinar, offered in partnership by the Colorado Ag Water Alliance and Water Education Colorado, we explore hear how major projects are being implemented throughout the state. Watch to hear how producers are using loans and self-financing large projects, tapping into available federal funds, working with other stakeholder groups, and creating inventories of ditches to secure project funding.
With Speakers:
Paul Kehmeier, Rancher; Salinity Coordinator, Colorado Department of Agriculture
Scott Jones, Rancher; President, Eagle County Conservation District
Emma Reesor, Executive Director, Rio Grande Headwaters Restoration Project
Robert Sakata, Farmer; President, Colorado Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association