Governor Hickenlooper Announces Water 2012 at Colorado Water Congress

Watch the video of Governor Hickenlooper announcing that 2012 is the year of water in Colorado. This will be shown during the Colorado Water Congress Annual Convention, January 26-27, 2012. During Water Congress you’ll also be able to view the premier of a video that will be shown throughout the state in the coming year, Water Fluency. Show Water Fluency during your next talk on Colorado Water or look forward to seeing it during 2012 Speakers Bureau presentations.
Here’s a report from YourHub.comvia The Denver Post:

The year 2012 is a big, wet milestone for water in Colorado. In a state almost entirely defined as desert or semidesert, 2012 is a milestone anniversary for many of the organizations and policies that protect our precious water resources.

Colorado Water 2012 started as an idea to celebrate these milestones. It has since grown into an unprecedented statewide celebration of water, its uses and its value. By celebrating these anniversaries collectively we hope to increase awareness about the importance of Colorado’s water resources.

Colorado Water 2012 launches with Governor Hickenlooper’s declaration of 2012 as the Year of Water at the Colorado Water Congress being held on January 25-27. Understanding the importance of water to the economic and social prosperity of our state, Governor Hickenlooper is supporting Colorado Water 2012 by officially declaring 2012 the ‘Year of Water’. See the video announcement

Colorado Water 2012 is organizing several activities throughout the year including: Water 2012 Book Club: Featuring Colorado authors: Peter McBride, Jonathan Waterman, Craig Childs, Will Hobbs, Greg Hobbs, George Sibley and Patty Limerick, Library and Museum Displays scheduled yearlong and statewide, K-12 lesson plans and poetry contests, Higher education social networking events, and a traveling speaker presentation covering water challenges and successes in Colorado.

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