Spring 2020: Pursuing Water Justice

When Water Justice is Absent, Communities Speak Up
March 23, 2020 by Laura Paskus and Caitlin Coleman
Across Colorado, spanning rural, urban and suburban areas, water isn’t always safe or nurturing, but it could be. Victims of environmental injustice are speaking up to reclaim their personal power, communities, and water.

In an Era of Rising Costs, Can Colorado Keep its Water Affordable?
It will take a concerted effort to deliver quality water while keeping rates from rising in a way that disproportionately affects lower-income families.
Plumbing Poverty
For some households, simply getting water can be a barrier. Some 1.5 million Americans—that’s 463,649 households, or 0.39 percent of all households—live with incomplete plumbing.
Toolkit for Pursuing Water Justice
Whether you’re looking to increase equity in your work, help a community suffering from an environmental justice issue, or hire a more diverse staff, there are tips for everyone.
Hiring Diverse Team Members
Colorado water organizations share ideas and tips to bolster inclusive recruitment and retain workers.
Getting Closer to Governing Direct Potable Reuse
A new report brings Colorado a step nearer to recycling more water.Thank You to This Issue's Sponsors