Summer 2023: The Healthy Headwaters Issue
Where Messy is Best
July 2023 by Kelly Bastone
As Colorado’s source streams are rapidly changing, researchers, restoration practitioners, and downstream communities alike are looking to the past and learning from more pristine headwater systems to regain resilience.

Busy as a Beaver
Coloradans are turning to nature’s master river engineer, beavers, to help inspire design and restore streams, while attempting to capitalize on the recent influx of federal funding. But implementing these low-tech, process-based restoration projects is not without challenges.
Colorado’s Biggest Reservoir Gets a Reprieve
After a series of bleak years, Blue Mesa Reservoir, one of four big federal reservoirs on the Upper Colorado River System, is refilling this summer. While those who rely on the reservoir and the river are relieved, officials warn that a drier future still awaits.
Climate Change Hits Home in Durango
A new study shows how much climate change and drought are impacting Durango’s water supply. Now the city is fast-tracking plans to tap Lake Nighthorse for storage and to boost its water-saving efforts.Thank You to This Issue's Sponsors